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Kendari is the capital of the Indonesian province of Southeast Sulawesi. The city has a population of 314,812 at the 2010 Census making it the fourth-largest city in Sulawesi, behind Makassar, Manado, and Palu.

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Recent city comments:

  • SPBU Pertamina Bonggoeya, AnonOpWiki wrote 4 years ago:
    ISP Router take back
  • LINGGA JAYA KENDARI, lINGGA JAYA (guest) wrote 6 years ago:
  • SHOP AND DRIVE MT HARYONO, KENDARI, SURYANI (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    NO TELP: 0401-3110896
  • rumah ageng, petamapiaja wrote 10 years ago:
    rumah ageng yang mana ya ? ko anak mana ces?
  • Distrik Navigasi Kelas III Kendari, Jono (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    Distrik Navigasi Kendari .
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